“rock” store

Well everything’s been pretty quiet over here, we’ve gotten quite abit of snow these last few days but it is gorgeouss! The boyfriend got his job, he starts in a few weeks, so that’s pretty exciting! 🙂

As for me? well i’ve handed in resumes, but on this side of town i’m not going to get a job. Most of the businesses on this side are family-owned and they like to hire their own “people”. So my commute is going to have to be at least an hour 😦 a few salons have offered me jobs but at the time I refused because of how hard it would be for me to get there. But I think at this point i’m gonna have to suck it up. Which is fine, as long as I have fun doing it 🙂

Today I went to what i call the “rock” store, it’s kind of like a metaphysical store but it’s mostly rocks, the technical word starts with an “L” but I can’t think of it right now. I got some citrine, rose quartz, normal quartz and a bag of mixed goodies/stones I can’t wait to use them!

I haven’t had much time to post, mostly because i’m realizing what growing up is really about. yes, that means i’ve had to do alot of cleaning, and I have wayyy more to do. But thats ok, who doesnt feel good after cleaning the house?

Blessed be!

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